Youth Employment

Youth Employment (SLES & Employment Support)

Our Youth Employment service can help you plan the pathway from school or post school to Employment / Volunteering

Youth Employment - Pathways to Employment

We know that leaving school can be a challenging time for young people, as they get ready to join the workforce. Our school leavers scheme is designed to support your transition into work, giving you the skills and knowledge you need to navigate the pathway from school to employment.

What is Youth Employment Support?

If you have been approved for Youth Employment (SLES) funding you are eligible to receive up to 2 years of support. The SLES program is designed to help teenagers aged 15 - 24 prepare for work, giving them the skills and real-world experience they need to start their career journey once they graduate from school.

What does Youth Employment Support involve?

The nature of support depends on your individual needs and is designed to improve your work-readiness. This can include things like help finding work experience opportunities, training and education, and development of work skills such as time management, money handling and commuting.

Making the transition from school to work? We can help.

Leaving school and making the transition to work can be an exciting time for young people, as new opportunities arise. Our team of mentors has years of experience helping people obtain the skills and knowledge they need to take the next step.

Skills, confidence, ability… everything you need to get the job

We’ll work with you to give you the confidence, skills and ability to get the job you want. We offer a personalised service, so that every school leaver’s support will be tailored to their needs. 

Some of the job ready skills we can work together on include:

  • money handling skills
  • time management skills
  • communication skills
  • work experience
  • job ready skills
  • travel skills
  • personal development skills

Four steps to career success within just 12 months

It's amazing how much progress can be made in only 12 months. Here's a look at all of the things we can achieve in the time that we're working together.

Step one (within the first 3 months)

We'll work with you to help you set goals and will ask you about your life and work experience. We'll also make sure you have the identification you need (birth certificate, passport, drivers license or photo ID), and start building your resume.

Step two (within the first 6 months)

We'll create a tax file number for you and start looking into your eligibility for Centrelink payments. We'll facilitate the process of getting your driver's license, and help you understand how to handle money and use a bank account.

Step three (within the first 9 months)

Our team will arrange for you to do work experience or to participate in our social enterprise, and we can also look into volunteering opportunities. We'll update your resume with references, and teach you how to perform job searches.

Step four (completed in final 6 months of service)

At the end of our time together you'll have a clear pathway in front of you. We'll complete your Transitional Plan and help you transition into Open Employment, or transition into Disability Employment Services or transition into ADE.

Connecting you to employment opportunities in the community

Our team is well connected to employers and community organisations that can provide our participants with work or volunteer opportunities. We’ll use our professional networks to connect you with employers, and we can help foster partnerships and goodwill within the local community. The goal is to create your own personal pathway to work.

Passionate advocates for people living with autism

The team at Connecting Futures has a special interest in working with people living with autism, and many of us have direct experience of working with, living with and advocating for people who are on the autism spectrum. We are passionate advocates for people living with autism, working together to help achieve their goals.

Ready to make the transition to work? Let’s talk!

If you have any questions about our School Leavers Employment Scheme (SLES) or our Connecting Employment Hub, please contact us. We’re passionate about helping young people to achieve their career goals, so we’d love to talk to you.

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Want to know more about

Youth Employment (SLES & Employment Support)


Contact us using our online form, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Or you can contact us by phone or email:

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